Thursday, July 20, 2006

Pilgrimage to Knitter's Mecca

Last week I went to Webs with a friend, I was mainly looking for needles but Joanna picked out a ball of pink yarn call "Love" that she wanted. It was a closeout so I let her pick two colors. She got light pink and purple. I decided I would make her a double knit scarf with a pattern appropriate for a yarn called love. I made up a chart and I am giving it a try. In the past I didn't really like double knitting but I did like the finished product. This time it isn't bothering me. Perhaps I have gotten better at it and don't make as many mistakes or perhaps I just find them sooner when they are easy to correct. The scarf isn't going to be very long but the recipient isn't very long either. With a name like love it should feel like a warm hug.

I also got some ebony needles for a lace project that has been on hold for a while. I think the black needles will make it a lot easier to see the pale lavender yarn.

I also got some needles to make a Pinwheel sweater. I had it finished and tried it on Joanna. The sleeves were too tight and there was not a lot of overlap in the front. The back was very cute so I will modify the sleeves and add a button to the front. The loopy edge should work fine as a buttonhole. I think I will add more color to the sleeves too. That way I will have enough yarn to make two sweaters with the colors reversed..

So many WIPs and no FOs. I had two days where I was too sick to knit. For me that is pretty sick. Maybe next week will see some items to completion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know that I just e-mailed you a copy of the ring code from the RingSurf admin. site. Your blog is in the queue for the Fiber Arts Bloggers webring, but you don't seem to have the ring code up on your blog. If you want to e-mail me when you have the ring code back up and whatnot, I’ll check it out and get you into the ring as quickly as I can. Let me know if you need any help! :)

Friday, July 28, 2006 9:14:00 AM  

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